Dining out with youngsters can often be an irritating and challenging experience for parents, that are trying to teach their children to choose  healthy menu selections . More often than not; we take the simplest way out. We steer towards the kid friendly fast food places that feature the processed food that our little ones latch onto.

The sad reality is that the majority of these choices tend to be fattening and have little nutritional value for their developing bodies and minds. Children can be quite a handful at dining establishments and it is especially challenging when they are picky eaters. Imagination goes a long way in helping our children eat healthier.

One of the simplest ways to entice your kids to eat healthy is when preparing their plate; be sure to become creative and enter the child’s world. They will learn to love eating more nutritious choices alongside their parents and siblings.

ccreative food design for kids

They are adamant and insist on the double cheeseburger! Downsize it to a junior burger and don’t allow them to include all of the mayonnaise and fried bacon. You are able to get rid of some unneeded fat while trying to maintain a more nutritious diet.  Carry the meal to a recreation area or order take-out to avoid having them influenced by the unhealthy choices of their peers.  Return to the outdoor picnic idea, spread your lunch on a blanket under a tree overlooking open fields of nature.

Healthy Food for Young Minds – Teach Your Kids to Eat Nutrient Rich Choices 

Being healthy should start from an early age. Eating habits develop over time and it is important that kids learn the health benefits of eating a proper diet.  Food Labeled “For Kids”, is it as healthy as claimed?  Teach them to read the labels on the packaging! To my amazement numerous products with the word “Kids” on them are not healthy.

How to entice kids to eat healthy
Two children picking fresh vegetables on organic bio farm. Kids gardening and farming. Autumn harvest fun for family. Toddler kid and preschooler play outdoors. Healthy nutrition for child and baby.

Numerous toddlers and young children can be very finicky eaters. As a parent, you may find it difficult to convince your younger kids to eat healthy meals. If you want your kids to eat better; here are some tips to encourage them to choose food that will assist in your endeavor to redefine possible. Be creative and pattern the raw vegetables, fruit and a dip on the plate in fun characters, shapes and pictures.  Buy cookie cutters to shape the cheese, breads and meat.

Wouldn’t it be great if kids grew up loving fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and everything that was healthy and nutritious for them? When parents prepare healthy meals;  they are helping to develop the right habits that will allow them to grow up not only eating, but enjoying all types of healthy and nutritious meals.

Sometimes parents give in to their kid’s demands and order unhealthy choices simply to prevent the stressful tantrums they might throw in the restaurant. Remember to compromise and determine if they’ll go for cake with jam or fruit instead of the fattening pastry snacks they usually like to consume.

exercise helps gain an appetite

Locate restaurants where you can sit down to eat and order nutritious menu selections. If your kid is rambunctious; select one where the young children can color on the menu. Play games with them before the food arrives. “I Spy with My Little Eye”, I see something that begins with the letter A – and let them have fun attempting to guess what it is.

Encourage the next generation to consume healthier alternatives for the meals they eat so they do not develop a reliance on drive-through fast food. Add daily vitamins and supplements to your routine and give them that extra edge or boost.   Choose healthy vitamins and supplements for teens and adults that are organic, all natural, GMO free, no sugar or artificial flavours added. 

It is our responsibility as caregivers to educate our community in attaining the best possible quality of life.
Children can eat nutritious food if you try many unique ways to swing their choices from our non-nutritional items that we have become accustomed to buying. Be persistent but flexible as you and your youngsters navigate a new way associated with eating healthy and living a better quality of life.

Louann Pearl
Louann Pearl

I love sharing valuable tips that will help you enhance your overall health with proper nutrition and daily lifestyle habits. Don't forget that our brain is one of the most important organs that we have been blessed with. Please notice that my articles focus on brain health along with other fun facts for a healthy body and mind. Longevity, Prosperity, Happiness

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    1 Response to "How To Entice Your Kids To Eat Healthy"

    • Lou

      Smoothies with lots of vegetables and fruits are a great disguise drink for kids.

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