Drinking Tea Improves your Health

6 Benefits of Drinking Tea

🔸Drinking tea improves your health because it contains antioxidants

White tea is less processed than black or green so it retains more beneficial antioxidants.  Lowers the risk of heart disease.  Try the White Peony tea from China and Imperial Himalayan White.

🔸Less caffeine than coffee

Get your needed energy without the jitters by drinking tea.  Coffee lovers seem to like a chicory root tea which has a flavour similar to coffee.

🔸Some of the best teas that improve your health are:

  • Green tea
  • Indian spiced chai black tea
  • Peppermint tea
  • Ginger tea
  • Pu-erh Tea
  • Licorice Root Tea

They all help boost your energy and focus.

🔸Tea decreases tooth loss by changing the pH in your mouth which may be what prevents cavities.

🔸Drinking tea improves your health by boosting the immune system

Holy basil and Indian Tulsi Tea helps keep the immune system strong after injuries or sickness due to its anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properities.

Herbal Tea may sooth the digestive system

Chamomile is antispasmodic so helps people who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome.

Ginger Tea can ease nausea.

🔸Drinking tea improves your health by protecting your bones.

Moringa Tea has more calcium than milk, as well as; iron, Vit A and Vit K so it helps to keep your bones strong.

Pu-erh Tea – One of my favorites for its health benefits.

One of my favorite teas is Pu-erh tea which has numerous benefits that improve and maintain your health.

  • It is a black Tea with a deep rich flavour that tastes earthy or mushroomy. Coffee drinkers seem to enjoy it.
  • It goes well with rich desserts and is used as a digestive after a big meal. It warms the spleen and stomach so it is beneficial to blood cleansing and digestion.
  • Some people have been known to drink Pu-erh tea as a hang-over preventative.
  • Helps to lower blood pressure.
  • It boosts metabolism and is known as a diet tea.  A hot cup of tea after a fatty meal helps break down the fat in the foods we just consumed so contributes to weight loss and weight maintenance.
  • Pu-erh Tea is a powerful source of anti-oxidants.

It originated thousands of years ago in the Yunnan province of China where the large leaf tea trees grow.

The tea leaves are shaped in forms such as bricks, stone pressed cake bowls or it can be loose and packed in bamboo stalks.  The fermentation can take from fifteen to twenty years.

One of my favorite pu-erh teas that helps to maintain and improve your health is infused with three nootropic mushroom extracts. It has shown to improve cognitive functions, exercise performance and combat fatique.

The three mushrooms that make you smarter (who doesn’t want that) are:

Cordyceps Sinensis
Photo courtesy of Allysian Sciences

Cordyceps Sinensis – Mushroom of Vitality, immune booster, enhances athletic performance

Organic Lion’s Mane
Photo courtesy of Allysian Sciences

Organic Lion’s Mane – improves cognitive function and nerve health.  It supports the NGF (nerve growth factor) in your brain.

It increases calmness and reduces anxiety.

Reishi Mushroom
Photo Courtesy of Allysian Sciences

Reishi – “Mushroom of Immortality” It improves the glucose regulation in your body.

These three mushrooms reduce brain inflammation and plaque which is linked to Alzheimers.  They all help in the improvement of our learning and memory.

Amplify your health one sip at a time. If you are a tea lover, now you know that drinking tea improves your health.

Louann Pearl
Louann Pearl

I love sharing valuable tips that will help you enhance your overall health with proper nutrition and daily lifestyle habits. Don't forget that our brain is one of the most important organs that we have been blessed with. Please notice that my articles focus on brain health along with other fun facts for a healthy body and mind. Longevity, Prosperity, Happiness